
Below you will find the most current and relevant content, compiled to keep you abreast of the latest news and developments within the tax world

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Self-employed entrepreneur or still result generator?

A taxpayer engages in three activities: bookkeeping, lot trading and plumbing in Germany. Although he considers himself to be

Balance method annuity: Who states must prove

A taxpayer purchases his annuity insurance policy in 2020 for an amount of €2,765. The insurance company

Write-off of hefty overdraft is profit sharing

A director-major shareholder (dga) is struggling with a substantial current account debt to his own PLC of almost €1.5

Btw also due for no show

An Internet auction and the inspector disagree about the liability for sales tax on unredeemed

New top talent on board!

As of April 1, Maarten Harbers MSc RA joins our team! With 10 years of Big 4 experience

No restoration of rights box 3 despite lower assessment

A Dutch taxpayer has real estate in France and Germany and faces a special tax

Parking tax surcharge of $0 is unlawful

A motorist parks his car on Oscar Avenue in Almere. The first hour parking here is

Supreme Court in Uber case: drivers can be both self-employed and employees

The Supreme Court has answered a number of legal questions in the lawsuit between Uber and union

Hit the road with a suspended vehicle? During events you can

With a suspended motor vehicle 15 years or older, such as a vintage car, it is still possible under certain

Tax authorities further postpone digital objection

The Inland Revenue is working with umbrella organizations and software developers to introduce digital objection for the